With Wings To Fly

With Wings To Fly

A woman
    with wings
to fly
    she does not know
    she can not
seem to
    extend them 
to take to air
    all around
seems stagnant
    she fails
in all heaviness
    to remember
when she
    enabled another
was clipped
    to the point
she forgot her name
    was shrouded
left with only
    a thin line of mesh
for her eyes to see
    only him
she was grounded

but finally one day
    an eagle flew over
is that really you
    what's happened
what's happened
    what's become of you

your beautiful wings
    shorn restricted flight
throw off those bonds
    set yourself free
take to the air
    no more despair

in small steps 
    she began
to forgive herself
    to remember who she was
not who she'd become
    everyday more feathers grew
first in little nubs  then in sprouts
    as if by magic
her wings bloomed anew
    her muscles retrained
after many crash landings and falls
    Quetzalli took to the air
stronger in every way
    never to be grounded

Copyright © 2012 Odilia Galván Rodriguéz. All Rights Reserved.

Vuelo Imposible
All rights reserved by FLAVIO DIAZ

For A Rainy Day

Writers’ Café participants get a daily prompt to use in their daily writing practice – in all of my workshops I like to promote that participants form a writing practice, or life.  I do a workshop called Writing As Ritual where we discuss what it means to call ourselves writers and how to honor that part of ourselves.  This poem, “For A Rainy Day” comes from the daily prompt:  In an old coffee can. Enjoy!

For A Rainy Day

in an old Bustelo coffee can
its bright yellow and red face
faded from years of abuse
she keeps the money
she says she’s saving
for a rainy day
though most all her days
have been stormy
this special day will be one
where the rain comes up
on a groundswell of copper and
damp adobe infused air
no dark rainclouds will move in
with their arms folded
across their chest
to stand menacing
for hours from the west
the way they usually do
before cracking open
spilling out their insides
all over south Texas ground
this day the rain
will swoop in so fast
sun won’t have a choice
but to stand and witness
what with no clouds
to hide behind
in this surprise
attack downpour
she will make a break for it
grab the can
with its faint traces
of coffee dust and
her rainy day money
nicely tucked inside
and hightail it
to the highway
smiling brighter
than that sun
she will flag down a car and
with one arm hugging
her coffee can
in the other carrying
a small overnight bag
she will accept a ride
when the driver asks
where you headed
all she will say is

any where but here
Copyright © 2012 Odilia Galván Rodríguez. All Rights Reserved.